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Changes to your active status qualification.

Changes to your active status qualification.

Super Seller Bonus has been replaced by a new way of recognising your active status.


Your first min. 50VP order activated your „activeness” for 4 consecutive qualifying weeks. It meant that in your 5th qualifying week you were required to place a min. 50VP order to maintain this status.  But if you placed another order during this 4-week period e.g. in your 2nd or 3rd week of your activeness, you earned Super Seller Bonus – 10% in volume points.


Placing a min. 50 VP order means you stay „active” for 4 consecutive qualifying week.  But if you place another min. 50VP  order during this period, your active status is automatically extended for the next 4 weeks ( a current one plus the following three*)

What happens if all your orders exceed 50VP in one qualifying week?

All volume points over your 50 that give you an active status, top up your weaker leg’s volume in your override commission tree.

Please, contact your team leader if you have any questions.

*a qualifying week in the UK commences on Monday 11:00 pm British Time, and finishes the following Monday at 10:59pm British Time.

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